6 Month LinkedIn Case Study

Doctor Client

Brief: Increase engagement and followers on LinkedIn.

Number of Followers: 2015

Impressions of posts: <50

Engagements: <10

person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing
person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing

Strategies Used

  1. New Content

  2. Longer content posts

  3. Images in each content

  4. Viral posting

  5. Daily posting

  6. Audiences are targeted according to Client preferences within specific locations

  7. No paid promotions were used.

  8. Creation of weekly Newsletter.

58.8% increase in Followers

207% increase in Post Impressions

238% increase in Post Engagements

Top 10 Post Impressions

Top 10 Post Engagements